Shuai Jiao: The Mongol Way

Shuai Jiao and Inner Mongolian Wrestling Training Camp

September 2024 will see the first-ever US training camp on Shuai Jiao "the Mongol way"!

This three-day camp will focus on Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling) as it's done in Inner Mongolia, China. It's designed for any skill level, as it is the first time this is taught in the west. We’ll be diving deep into the highest levels of Shuai Jiao and introducing Uvur Mongol Bokh (Inner Mongolian wrestling). These arts develop a wrestler to compete against any weight, skill level and with no time limit.

What We’re Covering

Your coach during the camp will be Coach Lavell "Hangai" Marshall, assisted by Vincent Tseng, and this seminar will take your stand up wrestling to a new level - from going deep into Shuai Jiao’s gripping, techniques, strategies, counters, and drills to the psychological aspects of the game.

This camp will introduce Inner Mongolian Bokh and how both arts blend and apply to one another, after all they have the same origin.

The camp will also cover the history of the art and the Inner Mongolian culture and perspective (coming from their lifestyle) as well as the psychological aspect of these arts which are just as important if not more important than learning the physical aspects.

Remember there's a difference between learning Shuai Jiao / Mongolian wrestling techniques VS learning how to be able to actually wrestle like the Inner Mongolians.

With Hangai's vast experience and embedding himself into the culture and world of Mongol Bokh, he will bridge the gap between both worlds.

This first training camp will set the foundation for the next seminar featuring Lavell Marshall's Teacher Erdenchogt. That will be the first time the art of Inner Mongolian Bokh will officially leave Inner Mongolia, China and be taught internationally.

Training Camp Details

September 20-22, 2024

East Cloud Kungfu
5655-A Western Blvd, Raleigh, NC

- Weekend Pass: $299 
- Day Pass pay in advance: $125/Day
- Day Pass at the door: $150

Age: 16+

What to bring:

  • Shuai Jiao jacket

  • Bokh jacket, optional

  • Wrestling shoes preferred


September 20th

  • 9:00 am-12:00 pm | Session 1

  • 2:00 pm-5:00 pm | Session 2

September 21st

  • 9:00 am-12:00 pm | Session 1

  • 2:00 pm-5:00 pm | Session 2 (Q&A after Session 2)

September 22nd

  • 9:30 am-12:00 pm | Session 1 (Intro to Bokh)

  • 12:00 pm | Mock Nadaam (Inner Mongolian Wrestling Competition)


Your Instructors

Lavell “Hangai” Marshall

Shuai Jiao Coach

Coach Lavell "Hangai" Marshall is a professional Shuai Jiao wrestler, Shuai Jiao world champion and US national champion who has been competing and training internationally in Shuai Jiao for 16 years. Hangai's background is Combat Shuai Jiao under Omar Harvin. He is the first foreigner to become a professional Inner Mongolian wrestler and first and only foreigner to win a Naadam.

Hangai has been living in Inner Mongolia, China for the last 5.5 years with the Mongolian people, living the lifestyle, and learning Inner Mongolian Bokh and Chinese Shuai Jiao under Teacher Hohoo, Erdenchogt and Su Bagsh whom are among the top professional level athletes and coaches of the top teams in Shuai Jiao and Bokh. He’s competed in hundreds of Naadam (Mongolian wrestling competitions) across the grasslands. His goal is to earn a Jangga (the necklace of ribbons earned by champions), win big championships and share these arts with the world.

Vincent Tseng

Coaching Assistant

Vincent Tseng truly began training Shuai Jiao in 2020. He too is an American and has started his journey learning Inner Mongolia’s wrestling, and is an active competitor in both Shuai Jiao and Mongol Bokh. He is determined to be a successful wrestler and promote these arts internationally.

Register Now

To register for the seminar, please follow these two steps:

  1. Complete the Registration Form
    Provide your participant information including name, email, age, experience level, gender, and other relevant details.

  2. Complete Payment
    Choose one of the following payment options to complete your registration: Credit Card, PayPal, or Zelle.

Please note: Your registration will not be considered complete until payment has been received.

Registration Form

We offer three convenient payment options: Credit Card, PayPal, and Zelle.

Please select one option below to complete your registration.

Click the button below to complete checkout by Debit or Credit Card on Stripe

Scan QR code or click the button below to send payment to on PayPal

Please note if you are purchasing Full Weekend or Day Pass(es)

Scan QR code or click the button below to send payment to on Zelle

Please note if you are purchasing Full Weekend or Day Pass(es)

Recommended Hotels

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Shuai Jiao jacket

    • Bokh jacket, optional

    • Wrestling shoes preferred

    You will also want to bring enough water and snacks for the duration of the day

    If you don’t already have the gear, we’re offering a $15 off Discount code to Bokhinayin for Shuai Jiao and Bokh jackets for those who register. It expires at midnight August 20th!

  • No, this training camp is designed to accommodate both beginners and seasoned grapplers. Given the rarity of Shuai Jiao and Bokh in the West, we will be immersing you into these arts regardless of your background. 

  • It will help you in athleticism, body awareness, and sensitivity but the rules of western wrestling styles and of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are very different and reward different grappling attributes and strategies. Given how versatile the skills in Shuai Jiao and Inner Mongol Bokh are, it is highly likely these arts will greatly help you in all other grappling formats.

  • Although modern Chinese Shuai Jiao stems from Bokh, it is a bit different. In Shuai Jiao there are time limits, you can push out to score points, throwing them on their back scores more points than just making them touch the ground, you can grab the legs, and there are weight classes. Therefore it can encourage more dynamic movement and sometimes riskier attempts at throws. With a cloth jacket you get just a bit more slack so certain techniques are easier in Shuai Jiao than in Bokh. Otherwise, on a technical level, they are very much the same, and employ very similar strategies.

  • Nothing but the soles of your boots can touch the ground. One fall and you lose. There is no time limit. Wrestling is outside on the dirt, grass, and rocks. There is no grabbing of legs in this style. There’s no age and no weight limit. Your techniques need to work on anyone of any size. This is quite unforgiving and forces the wrestlers to be extremely good tacticians, have very good counters, and - compared to other styles of Bökh and Shuai Jiao - very very good sweeps and kick outs.

  • In the Qing dynasty the Manchu elite of the empire took on wrestling, drawing mostly from Uvur Mongol Bokh. In the Manchu language they often called this Buku (stemming from the word Bokh). By the late 1800s, Hui and Han Chinese people were learning this art and making it their own. This has since become Chinese Wrestling / Shuai Jiao. Today Shuai Jiao is one of China’s great fight sports and ethnic Mongols maintain a heavy presence in it.

  • Yes, there are 5 main styles. Two of these have the most visibility. In China’s Inner Mongolia region, the primary style is Janggat Mongol Bokh (Jangga is the necklace of ribbons worn by champions) which is known for its leather wrestling jackets. It’s also called Uvur Mongol Bokh, Uvur Mongol meaning southern Mongol, referring to China’s Inner Mongolian region. Khalkha Bokh is the primary style of the country of Mongolia where most of the people there are Khalkha Mongols. These two styles are similar but have different jackets (zodog / jodag), different pants, and the Khalkha Bokh style allows the grabbing of legs and both hands and the soles of the feet can touch the ground (without losing) where in Janggat Bokh only the soles of the feet can touch.



If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us:

You can also contact our North Carolina affiliates on Instagram:

We look forward to hearing from you!