Oyuntana’s “Dream Chaser” Interview


After appearing on the Inner Mongolian New Year’s Gala back in January, Oyuntana was asked to be interview by Inner Mongolian TV Network. The interviewers were so impressed and interested in Oyuntana’s story because they had seen her on Chinese TikTok and thought her life looked quite special and unique from other young people. Their interview segment was all about “Dream Chasers”, and Oyuntana was the perfect person to fit this theme. In the interview, Oyuntana explains her role in creating Bokhin Ayin with other co-founders, Ariela and Lavell. She explains the meaning of Bokhin Ayin as “Wrestler’s Journey” and why it has such a deep meaning to the three founders. Lavell and Ariela moved to China to pursue their dreams of wrestling, and Oyuntana began her own wrester’s journey as well. And through this journey, the founders have created a joint dream of spreading Mongolian culture, Mongolian wrestling, and Mongolian way of life to all corners of the globe. Oyuntana detailed how we teach wresting abroad and explained some of the details of how we use Bokhin Ayin to spread Mongolian culture to the West. Oyuntana talks about how young people should have passion and do something about it, not just sit around all day dreaming without any action. She hopes that more of her young Mongolian peers can wake up to the world around them and do something meaningful with their lives.

To watch the full interview, check out the Youtube link below and make sure to subscribe to the Bokhin Ayin Youtube Channel!

Written by Ariela


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